Saturday, February 8, 2014

Weekly Round-Up

This week I...
....worked on Alex's book.  I am very excited because I think this turtle actually looks like a turtle!

... flipped through this catalog and checked out a bunch of books on herb gardens.  (As I write this, snow drifts by my window....)
... took The Magician to see Out of the Box, a cool architectural salvage store which also features work from local artists, including our friends Marcia and Evert.
... saved $9.61 from grocery shopping with my master price list.
... made progress on the denim blanket.
 ... introduced newly weds Jen and Michael to crokinole.  New converts to our latest pleasure from Canada!
... checked out gardening books.  The lady next to me at the self checkout smiled and said pleasantly, "You're dreaming!"  Yes, ma'am, yes, I am!  It's too cold to do anything else!


  1. Just wanted you to know that : 1) the turtle does look like a turtle but could use another leg, and 2) I'm glad you discovered crocinoles, that was one of the games my family enjoyed when I was growing up. I haven't played it for many years, and do not know where our old crocinole board is, but would be glad to knock some around when we next visit you.

  2. p.s. I'm not sure how "crokinole" or "crocinole" is spelled. See my previous comment, hope it showed up
