Monday, May 18, 2020

Tomatoes: Moving Toward Planting

Last week, we ate the last of the 2019 tomatoes. Yes, we harvested and froze enough last year that they lasted us until May! This is not bragging, I hpoe; it is rejoicing in the generosity of the soil and the sun. So it's time to start up again this year.

We've had tomatoes under grow lights for quite a while.

Hear you see Belovedest finishing off putting up the tomato cages.

Does this look like 140 pounds of tomatoes? Or does it look like an experiment? Hopefully, it is both! My husband and I were arguing about the best way to transplant tomato seedlings into the larger milk containers. I wanted to add crushed eggshells. We also disagreed on how quickly they should be hardened off. I wanted to go more slowly. Naturally, this resulted in a little friendly competition. The results are before you, with my larger, straigher tomatoes on your right. Now we'll see what happens when we plant them... I'm thinking eggshells for everyone next year...

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