Saturday, September 21, 2019

Garden Visit from Ann S.

My lovely friend Ann is thinking about starting a garden next year, so she came over to tour mine.  It was a delightful visit!  What gardener doesn't want to prattle on endlessly about her planting and plans? 

Ann helped us harvest.  This photo is from earlier, but it includes some of what we are harvesting these days.... tomatoes, purple beans, basil, chives, thyme, okra, chamomile, and oregano.

I need to let Ann know two more things that I forgot to tell her (despite talking at her for almost two hours!).  One is to get the garden fenced and the beds dug and enclosed this fall.  The other is to save these, since she wants to grow tomatoes:

The one on the right is for planting seedlings (with holes punched in the bottom for drainage).  It is smaller so that the seeds get the heat from a heating pad placed underneath.  The one on the left is for tomatoes after they have enough leaves and no longer need the heating pad. The milk carton is where they will grow until they are transplanted.  Next year's garden is going to be MUCH bigger now that we have a freezer. :)

Hope everyone is having a bountiful harvest!  We've topped 100 pounds of tomatoes already this year, but keep in mind that that is from 12 plants.

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