Monday, June 22, 2015

Cleaning Ephemera

ephemera: items designed to be useful or important for only a short time, especially pamphlets, notices, tickets, etc.

I found this when cleaning and I haven't the daftest idea what it is.  

A map of.....?  Plans for....?
I saved it so it must be important.....

Any ideas, clever and creative readers?


  1. Well, the outer edges look a bit like a floor plan, with spots for windows & a door. The big square could be a bed... But the rest... Could the spot marked 1 be stairs? A trapdoor? Are the letters initials for people? Very mysterious! :)

    1. A trap door! Now that is an intriguing idea.... I was thinking the two circles at the top might be a bicycle...

  2. Did a grown-up draw this, or was it a niece? If it's from a young person, then the sky is the limit as to what it means. Maybe it's a game...1, 2, 3. I do notice that "R" is on the outside and "J" is on the inside.

    1. It's definitely mine, based on where I found it. A game is a likely possibility.,,,
