Saturday, June 15, 2024

2024 Strawberry Total

 The results are in!  This year we harvested 17.4 pounds of strawberries from our backyard!  At a conservative $1.99/lb for fresh organic strawberries, that is $34.62 worth of strawberries.  I have been freezing whatever doesn't get eaten right away, and hope to be adding garden-grown strawberries to my oatmeal for weeks.  :)

Last years harvest was 13 pounds.  This is all from 12 strawberry seedlings we bought in 2022 for $9.96.

Next up - planting runners in little yogurt dishes so that we can transplant them wherever we want.  I'm hoping to keep refreshing the beds this way and never have to buy new strawberry seedlings again.

I will say that strawberries are fairly labor-intensive.  During the peak of the season I've been known to spend two hours harvesting, coring, washing, weighing, blending, and freezing them.  But so worth it!