

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Weekly Round Up

This week I....

... joined a book club
.... watched my husband make a YouTube video for Charlemagne Beard Oil.  (The green screen was still drying from being steamed--he didn't use it that way!)  It was a ton of work but he learn a lot.  You can check out the finished result here.

.... set up the desk in the bedroom with stuff for making Alex's book.  I am determined to finish that thing!
...realized that with three freelance writing projects happening at the same time, the blog is going to get neglected....
.... stopped by Out of the Box to check out my friend Evert's glass art.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. That's a great video (and a great beard)! Hope you two are doing well. Take care! Gen

  2. Sounds like a busy week! And more busy-ness ahead. :D

  3. Did the Magician invest in all those fancy lights? Where from? How did he learn to use them so well? His new video looks great
