

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Budget Numbers for January

It’s Feb 2, which means yesterday was budget day!  How did we do for January?

The good news:
We put extra money toward the mortgage and a significant amount in savings.  (The extra towards the mortgage is higher by $55 because of my freelancing.  That always makes me happy!)

The bad news:
The total amount of passive income generated was…. Wait for it… $3.06.  The amount of passive income we need for retirement income, based on this month’s expenses and therefore not including inflation is significantly higher than that!
More bad news: Due to tax increases, $97.98 is missing from our paychecks.

I’m grateful, though, that we were able to put money in savings and to more a little closer to being mortgage-free.  Heck, I’m grateful we have food on the table and a roof over our heads!  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

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